Book Reviews
New reading recommendations from Colorado Review
The Dead Eat Everything
There is loss, there is struggle in these poems, but there is also the capacity...
$15.00What Ridiculous Things We Could Ask of Each Other
And therein lies the beauty of Schultz’s work. If he did not love the world...
$16.95Four Poetry Books
For as much as poetry concerns itself with the various forms of eternity—Keats’s “A thing...
$17.95Barely Composed
This collection travels the breadth of the universe and the human, leaving us searching our...
$25.95The Whole Field Still Moving Inside It; Almanac
Both Bashaw and Smith are important, though under-appreciated, poets...both complicate and enliven our understanding of...
$15The Americans; The Tribute Horse
What are we paying in moral capital, Roderick wants to know, for an easy life...
$14.95; 15.95To See the Queen
These are frightening, moving, deeply human poems—poems such as these are sorely needed....
$15.95Forgiveness Forgiveness
With that in mind, McCrae's Forgiveness Forgiveness is a highly accomplished and moving collection of...
$15Ecodeviance: (Soma)tics for the Future Wilderness
Being made aware of the body is absolutely crucial to Conrad’s praxis, as he calls...
$22.00In a Landscape
Gallaher is a master of moving from punchlines to moments of real gravity. Cultural references...
$16.00My Lorenzo
Smirou takes the possessive pride of appropriation, or rather, personalization, of a historical figure: ...
$14The New Testament
However, The New Testament is not entirely a poetry of witness, either. Made all the...
$17.00A Girl Is a Half-Formed Thing
With its staccato opening lines, Eimar McBride’s audacious and harrowing first novel, A Girl Is...
$24Snow and Shadow
Snow and Shadow, translated from Chinese by Nicky Harman, is a restrained—bordering on disinterested—dreamscape that...
$16.20Families Among Us
Kimzey’s collection proposes that we need look no further than our own homes and communities...
$8.95In Defense of Nothing: Selected Poems, 1987-2011
Associating “poetry” with “nothing” may seem to beckon after the rueful poet’s reduced expectation...
$18.95Fat Man and Little Boy
Mike Meginnis has done something truly remarkable with his debut novel, Fat Man and Little...