Book Reviews
New reading recommendations from Colorado Review
Losers Dream On
The entries shift wildly from the domestic to the cosmic (and back again), so that...
$18.00I left nothing inside on purpose
...Those moments when what we want to say diverges from what we’re supposed to, are...
$16.95Christmas in July
Parker ably brings us close to the beauty and meaning in ordinary people and simple...
$16.95Dropping Death
The very privacy of these poems is charged with a sense of another’s presence. In...
$10.00Petites Suites
Each little piece in the suite also bears a pertinent musical title, written in French,...
$18.00Diving Makes the Water Deep
For Savich, there is no difference between that which is learned in the world and...
$16.00Underground Fugue
Readers will be captivated by the book’s details . . . the vivid portrayals of...
$13.59Because Everything Is Terrible
These are urgent poems, made all the more urgent by the apocalyptic-feeling political landscape we’ve...
$18.00Buck Studies
Kearney keeps finding new ways to collage on the level of the sonic, semantic, visual,...
$15.95I will not kick my friends
Winter balances insight with compassion, and reaches for the ineffable with humility and courage, so...
To the cult, self-induced sickness generates a more harmonious, fulfilled life . . . sickness...
$26.95Surfing with Sartre
The philosophical attitude of existentialism so perfectly fits our time, you'd think it was invented...
$15.95Bright Raft in the Afterweather
Make no mistake; these are ecological poems, but not of an idyllic moment void of...
$13.86Sleep Paralysis
Like the best ecopoetry of our age, Sleep Paralysis teaches us to pay attention to...
$7.00Wild Horse
"These men are tough guy know-it-alls with me-against-the-world mentalities. Men who see themselves as superior...
$24.95Nice People: New & Selected Stories II
Jauss’s characters frequently fail to accept comfort and even more frequently are locked inside their...
$19.95The Singing Ship
In this beautifully written novel, Winterer takes us on an expedition into the Australian bush...
$10.95The Implacable Urge to Defame: Cartoon Jews in the American Press, 1877-1935
In this timely book, Matthew Baigell examines cartoon images of Jews published in mainstream American...
$29.95The Mannequin Makers
Readers finish the novel having learned that beauty invariably comes at a price: physical and...
$16.00Spleen Elegy
Perhaps like all memories, particularly traumatic ones, the relationships between the lyric speaker and observable...
$16.00Glory Days
The landscape of the novel is ghost-haunted. The dead crouch around these characters, blighting them....