Book Reviews
New reading recommendations from Colorado Review
Extra Hidden Life, among the Days
Hillman plays with the post-human—a hypothetical, ecological state following the extinction of humanity—but never abandons...
$24.95Rocket Fantastic
There is magic in the poetry of Rocket Fantastic. Bodies are gendered and more-than-gendered. Humans...
$25.95Baby, I Don’t Care
Minnis notes that the “book was inspired by classic movies and couldn’t have been written...
$18.00North American Stadiums
In many ways, this is a nostalgic book—looking back and recalling old friends and scenes...
$22.00You Are the Phenomenology
In the precision and beauty of its varied form, Timothy O’Keefe’s You Are the Phenomenology...
$16.95Let Us Now Speak of Extinction
Containing over two hundred and thirty exceedingly short works of fiction, with very few exceeding...
$21.95Mademoiselle Bambù
Merging crime, espionage, and absurdist fiction, French author Pierre Mac Orlan (born Pierre Dumarchey in...
$22.95Lances All Alike
Only a few pages in, it’s clear that this is not what one could reasonably...
$19.95Big Windows
Moseley does not just consider the boundary between outside and inside. Her poems also explore...
$15.95Headline News
A crucial component of the book’s success involves the meticulous balance Deming constructs between disarray...
$17.63Assumptions We Might Make About the Postworld
Katharine Haake provides a palliative for the shortage of thoughtful apocalyptic literature with Assumptions We...
$10.00For the Love of Endings
It’s like hearing out your friend who needs to tell you about that ex who...
$11.42Why Indigenous Literatures Matter
Even within the Indigenous community, identity is a contentious topic, with reasons rooted in a...
$15.99This Business of Words: Reassessing Anne Sexton
The scale by which Sexton extends the territory she covers as a poet, practicing her...
$24.95Three Poems
Her rhymes are multifarious and carry out wildly different operations. They have been compared to...
$14.00Lunch Portraits
Debora Kuan’s wonderful Lunch Portraits inverts and subverts this ideology of hunger, constructing poems that...
$16.00Caesura: Essays
This is a book that wrestles with the expansive ideas of life and death as...
$12.95Rants from the Hill
Rants from the Hill, Michael P. Branch’s collection of humorous, sly essays is easy to...
$14.95Sleeping Dragons: Stories
Largely ominous and somber in tone, the concise, intelligent fiction contained in Sleeping Dragons will...
$16.95In the Cemetery of the Orange Trees
It’s easy to slip into In the Cemetery of the Orange Trees, but not easy...
$16.00The Lost Daughter Collective
With The Lost Daughter Collective, Lindsey Drager positions herself next to innovative writers like Rikki...