Book Reviews
New reading recommendations from Colorado Review
If Some God Shakes Your House
Franklin reminds us that Tragedy may be the most appropriate response to tragedy in this...
$17.95The Upstate
In a time of environmental and civic toxicity, Lindsay Turner attends to our flailing integrity...
$18Half-Life of a Secret: Reckoning with a Hidden History
Emily Strasser’s Half-Life of a Secret: Reckoning with a Hidden History is a book for...
$26.95Journey to the End of the Empire
In 2004 I hitchhiked illegally into western Tibet, passing myself off as an Uyghur who...
$17.99Soft Apocalypse
Leah Nieboer’s stunning debut collection of poems, Soft Apocalypse, captures the visceral experience of a...
$19.95Āina Hānau / Birth Land
In the title poem of Āina Hānau / Birth Land, Brandy Nālani McDougall asks, “na...
$16.95The Rock That Is Not A Rabbit
Having read the title poem three or four times, I’m still unsure if the rock...
$18Living Room
The 1977 educational film Powers of Ten begins with an aerial view of a couple...
Professor Q is typical, in many ways, of the “modern protagonist”: so unfulfilled at work...
$16Brother Poem
In Will Harris’s Brother Poem, the lines between reality and dreamscapes blur, and readers dwell...
$15.95Live in Suspense
Midlife is a reckoning with our experience of time. The past seems impossibly far away....
$18Winter Stranger
Jackson Holbert’s debut collection, Winter Stranger, winner of the Milkweed Editions 2022 Max Ritvo Poetry...
$22Valley of the Many Colored Grasses
A few years ago, thanks to the magic of the internet, I bought a copy...
$18.95Piano in the Dark
Set during the wider context of the global pandemic and within the personal history of...
$17.00Then Telling Be the Antidote
I likened this collection, after an initial reading, to a canvas by Kandinsky, where broad...
$21.95The Fear of Large and Small Nations
“Everyone probably gets entangled in a terrible relationship at least once in their life—even people...
$23.99Shoot the Horses First
Orphan trains. Discovery of new moss species. Anti/love stories across race, ability, and socioeconomic class....
$18.99Because We Were Christian Girls
The first time I read Virgie Townsend’s debut short story collection, Because We Were Christian...
$9.95Three Books for Autumns Fading Splendor: Three Recommendations from the Poetry Reviews Editor
Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action by Jordan Dunn (2022) Partly Press The leaves in...
Pretend It’s My Body
Luke Dani Blue’s debut collection Pretend It’s My Body: Stories places trans and queer people’s...
$17.95A New Race of Men from Heaven
In Chaitali Sen’s A New Race of Men from Heaven, stories trade in understatement rather...
$17.95All Else Failed: The Unlikely Volunteers at the Heart of the Migrant Aid Crisis
The Greeks have a word for the desire to help people in need, explains Dana...