Book Reviews

New reading recommendations from Colorado Review



    By Jill Magi

    Art in the Age of the Adjunct In all the debate around the proliferation of...

  • Safekeeping


    By Jessamyn Hope

    The scope of the novel is ambitious, but Hope has structured it wisely, and the...

  • Cocky's Joy

    Cocky’s Joy

    By Michael Farrell

    Michael Farrell’s 2015 collection, Cocky’s Joy, is ambidextrous, its right hand painting comic tableaux, and...

  • King of the Gypsies

    King of the Gypsies

    By Lenore Myka

    King of the Gypsies isn’t just a story collection; it is a poignant reminder that...

  • Reckless Lovely

    Reckless Lovely

    By Martha Silano

    In Martha Silano's stunning fourth collection of poems, readers will encounter "velvety soup," "60,000 eggs,"...

  • The Year of Perfect Happiness

    The Year of Perfect Happiness

    By Becky Adnot-Haynes

    In Becky Adnot-Haynes’s first collection of stories, The Year of Perfect Happiness, happiness is—not surprisingly—a...

  • Flash Fiction International

    Flash Fiction International

    By Editors: James Thomas, Robert Shapard, Christopher Merrill

    It is not enough to read these stories once, which is why it will take...

  • The Dig

    The Dig

    By Cynan Jones

    In this tenacious novel of rural Welsh life, death inevitably accompanies life. Without this dire,...

  • Far-Fetched


    By Devin Johnston

    The possibilities [Johnston] envisions for our contemporary times are far more than we deserve....

  • The Collector of Names

    The Collector of Names

    By Patrick Hicks

    In The Collector of Names Hicks once again demonstrates how we may confront death, loss,...

  • Bewildered


    By Carla Panciera

    The characters in Bewildered may never fully understand or control who they ultimately are, but...

  • Ever Yrs

    Ever Yrs

    By Nance Van Winckel

    Ever Yrs is an outward expression of one character’s introspection—the background of her very self...

  • Century Swept Brutal

    Century Swept Brutal

    By Zach Savich

    If you want a taste of the beauty of our clumsy human limitations and desires,...

  • Ohio Railroads

    Ohio Railroads

    By G. S. Giscombe

    Ostensibly a catalog of Ohio’s network of railroads,Ohio Railroads takes up race, memory, language, and...

  • The Meatgirl Whatever

    The Meatgirl Whatever

    By Kristin Hatch

    Kristin Hatch's poems in The Meatgirl Whatever are following the idea of "to serve." Or...

  • Oreo


    By Fran Ross

    In this novel, an unflappably confident teenaged girl prevails—through her ingenuity, wit, and a complicated...

  • The Let Go

    The Let Go

    By Jerry Gabriel

    In a moment when literary short fiction sometimes seems to be getting shorter and shorter,...

  • Lies, First Person

    Lies, First Person

    By Gail Hareven

    Lies, First Person is an extremely ambitious novel, which in the end does not lend...
