Among the Wild Mulattos & Other Tales

Among the Wild Mulattos & Other Tales is set almost entirely in a region called the Mid-South, an in-between place appropriately filled with characters neither here nor there—not successful and not abject failures, not happy and not sad, not black and not white. Biracial men whose skin color serves as a kind of extreme social camouflage narrate most of the stories.

The Dig

In this tenacious novel of rural Welsh life, death inevitably accompanies life. Without this dire, strained coupling, the characters in The Dig might have all they need, but this not how this novel, or our world, function.


The characters in Bewildered may never fully understand or control who they ultimately are, but Panciera’s stories suggest that this is really not the goal. We place our stake in the ground not to say, This is who I am, but only This is me in relationship to others. Like the proverbial tree in the forest, if we fall, it doesn’t matter if we make a noise if there is no one there to hear us.

Ever Yrs

Ever Yrs is an outward expression of one character’s introspection—the background of her very self as composed from the faces of those people who came before, especially her mother and father, her siblings, her husband, and even her somewhat estranged granddaughter.


In this novel, an unflappably confident teenaged girl prevails—through her ingenuity, wit, and a complicated system of self-defense moves—over each threat placed in her way.