Colorado Review Podcast
Monthly readings and discussions of poetry and prose published in Colorado Review.
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Past Episodes
March Podcast: John Gallaher reads “Where They Feed Their Children to Kings”
No foolin’. Selections from Colorado Review doesn’t pull pranks or play practical jokes. We’re not going to jerk you around by flushing the toilet when you’re in the shower or pretending we got engaged last weekend to that guy you don’t like. We’re here to bring you great poetry and prose from Colorado Review, and that’s […]
February Podcast: Michelle Hoover reads “Our Little Bertha”
Everyone knows the best holiday in February is on the 28. Everyone. Even Tina knows it, and she’s still non-ironically wearing Hypercolor shirts. Because Selections from Colorado Review is hip and cool and alternative and in-the-know, we waited until this exact date to release our February podcast where, by clicking this link, you can hear […]
December podcast: “Beautiful Souls” by Joan Leegant
“Selections from Colorado Review” must deliver fresh poetry and prose every month to its listeners and readers of Colorado Review. This isn’t a want thing, or a desire thing—it is a biologically-compelled-to-do-it thing, lest it suffer an unbearable and possibly fatal poetry and prose backup, which can be painful. Some people might find that fact […]
November Podcast: Caroline Arden’s “Yolo County”
Look, “Selections from Colorado Review” has a few ground rules if you and it are going to take this relationship seriously—just before you get any ideas, okay? SFCR is in this to provide you, the internet-savvy, literature-loving consumer, with fresh poetry and prose from the pages of Colorado Review every month. That’s it. So no […]
October Podcast: Andrew D. Cohen’s “Boys School”
Listen—a clatterin’ in the distance. The cattle were restless today; that old sheepdog gave a plaintive howl. “I know this sound,” murmured Ole Sal. “‘Tis ‘Selections from Colorado Review‘, the cattle-rustlinest podcast ever to deliver fresh poetry and prose from Colorado Review round these parts. Reckon by the sound of it they brought some nonfiction […]
September podcast: Leslie Johnson’s “Other Lives”
If you have been meaning to read Leslie Johnson’s “Other Lives,” from the Spring 2011 issue, but have for several months now had your efforts foiled by a series of eyeglasses-related accidents, each one more tragic than the last, hang up on your emergency optometrist: the very first fiction episode of “Selections from Colorado Review” […]
June’s Podcast: 2 Poems from Katherine Factor
By Dan Moore Fans of poetry read by its authors and would-be mycophiliacs take heed: June’s “Selections from Colorado Review” has been released upon an unsuspecting internet, primarily because the internet has come to expect “Selections from Colorado Review” on the first Friday of every month. To make up for startling the internet like that, […]
May 6, 2011 Podcast: Natalie Eilbert
Dan Moore, Colorado Review Editorial Assistant and Podcast Editor It is the first Friday of the month, and it is our goal as nascent podcasters and glossers-over of B. F. Skinner to condition Colorado Review readers to associate that particularly joyous occasion with the release of another episode of “Selections from Colorado Review,” the […]