When to Write and When Not to Write

By Colorado Review Editorial Assistant Hannah Barnhart Writers are hardly ever just writers; we are almost always something else, too. We are parents, teachers, students, editors, servers, bartenders. We are artists, but we might also be athletes, musicians, travelers, fanatics, aficionados. Whatever other occupation or hobby you might have as a writer, your life lends itself to […]

An Interview with Colorado Review Contributor and Poet Sawako Nakayasu

Of the poems published in the fall 2019 issue of Colorado Review, editorial assistant Jordan Osborne was most struck by Sawako Nakayasu’s “Ten Girls Stepping Into and Out of the Light.” Jordan was immediately curious about the world and mind in which the poem was created, drawn into a conversation with the piece about identity […]

Do Not Write Every Day

By Colorado Review Editorial Assistant Luke Eldredge One of the most common pieces of advice given to writers is to write every day. This advice is so common that it has largely been accepted as a given: To become a writer and to produce a work of writing, one must write every day. On the […]

The Female Lyric: Creating Space for Female Experience

By Colorado Review Editorial Assistant Margaret Browne In my own work, I often write through and out of distinctly feminist concerns—concerns about female agency and the body, female sexual pleasure and empowerment, the relationship between father and daughter, daughter and mother, what it’s like to be a woman with a mental illness, what it’s like […]

Counterpoint: Why We Should Question (If Not Abolish) the Writing Ritual

By Colorado Review Editorial Assistant Jordan Osborne Since I decided to attempt being a writer, I’ve been told that I need to have a ritual for writing—set aside time and space, develop some habits to get me in the right frame of mind. Honestly, I could go on and on, rattling off tips from other […]