Synthetic Jungle

As I read Synthetic Jungle, the third full-length collection Michael Chang has published since 2021, I couldn’t help but contemplate the cattiest, most cutting thing that could be said about it. One of the pleasures of Synthetic Jungle is the gossipy, skeptical eye Chang trains on everything they observe, so a wry send-up seems like […]

The Other Altar

Nicholas Gulig’s third collection of poetry, The Other Altar, unearths a landscape where the experience of loss is both local and global, personal and political, here and far away. The speaker of these poems wanders in a world illumined at every turn by ghosts whose shape and form he hopes to language in a litany […]

The New Language

Photo by Rene Böhmer on Unsplash One of us hears from her last week at a Crisis Prevention Meeting. One of us hears her speaking in Ainu. It isn’t Ainu we decide because it is also dying or dead by some reports. It must be pieces of many languages strung together with a syntax more […]

Instead of a Gun

Photo by Yoksel Zok on Unsplash A daffodil. A blanket. A bike. A pink geode exploding with crystals. A pair of ducks paddling upstream. An oatmeal cookie made by a woman who has been making them for 70 years. A tender, young branch from an apple tree. A gift. An offering. A conch shell smooth […]


Photograph by Jon Flobrant I was dreaming of three forks in the river. Between us, there are eight names, so our daughter will have the longest name in history, the same name as this river. I have loved everyone with such an embarrassing grip, even through the night. When I woke I felt we had […]

The Roof of the Whale Poems

In Juan Calzadilla’s The Roof of the Whale Poems, translated by Katherine M. Hedeen and Olivia Lott, readers encounter an emotional landscape where one walks in a dreamlike state through urban and personal environments and revolutionary forefronts. The poems in this collection are not shy. They address personal discomfort, social displacement, and radical interpretation of […]


Claire DeVoogd’s debut collection of poetry is an exercise in weaving and reweaving, seaming and unseaming. Stitched together in tight fragments, her words punch through the past like bird shot through a tapestry. Then, DeVoogd pulls the loosened threads through and braids them into something new. The tapestry is both form and subject, and all […]

Nocturne in Joy

“My mother is Black / under the eyes in / twilight,” Tatiana Johnson-Boria writes in “Portrait of a Mother Before Sunrise,” a poem from her skillfully haunting debut poetry collection, Nocturne in Joy. “How many / nights does she wait / for morning to yawn / into waking?” the speaker asks, exemplifying Johnson-Boria’s deft enjambment […]

I Want to Tell You

Jesse Lee Kercheval’s poetry in I Want to Tell You works toward a language of matrilineage, environmentalism, and war. Any of these aspects would be an admirable and daunting task individually, however, interweaving their conflicts and constraints into singular poems yields a haunting landscape of grief frozen over. For instance, Kercheval’s poem “Say the word […]