About the Feature
Photo by John Fowler
Here’s the cat. The stars. Water boiling.
“Oh, I never thought that would be.”
Seven minutes and forty-three seconds
into Brahms’s Fifth Symphony. A shotgun
blast. Sun on the empty chairs. Rattle
of most anything, something on the roof.
Rattle of most anything, something
on the roof. A shotgun blast. Seven
minutes and forty-three seconds into
Brahms’s Fifth Symphony. “Oh, I never
thought that would be.” The stars.
Water boiling. Here’s the cat. Sun
on the empty chairs. Sun on the empty
chairs. Here’s the cat. Seven minutes
and forty-three seconds into Brahms’s
Fifth Symphony. Rattle of most anything,
something on the roof. Water boiling.
“Oh I never thought that would be.”
A shotgun blast. The stars.
About the Author
Jack Ridl’s new collection is Saint Peter and the Goldfinch (Wayne State University Press, 2019). The title poem was published in Colorado Review. His previous collection, Practicing to Walk Like a Heron (also WSUP, 2013), received the gold medal from Foreword Reviews. More than ninety of his former students are now publishing.