About the Feature
Photo by michael weir on Unsplash
I look at my childhood
& imagine what isn’t there
blank pages
partially erased artifacts
we all live in a barter system
trading our favorite worst memories
I social you a tongue
I appeal you a slanted pear orchard throat
& we share it gladly
I research myself &
feel intrinsically disengaged
with my own subjective history
how satirically we pluck apart owl pellets
little masses of bone & fur
delicate in their rounded assemblage
this is how we become a collective
in our fury we de-mouth the sun
rip away flare & tangled magnetic field
sticky bandages sour wounds
what is our purpose here?
we want to leave behind nothing
named nothing alive & curious
the winedark sea
bloodgap sea
home of two-headed rat & blind raccoon
to love something it must be impermanent
we feel we’ve been here before
torn away our hair at the roots
leaving us blood-scarred
something will disappear tomorrow
& we’ll praise the light despite our terror
when we think of nothing at all
we find god in our unconscious
light-headed & empty
About the Author
Hannah V. Warren is a doctoral candidate at the University of Georgia and a Fulbright scholar. She is the author of Slaughterhouse for Old Wives Tales, forthcoming from Sundress Publications, and two chapbooks. Her works have appeared in Crazyhorse, Gulf Coast, Passages North, and Fairy Tale Review, among others.