About the Feature
Arguments taint our mouths like spice.
Opening and closing doors, we rhyme.
The house creaks to pass, or mark the time
under our bare feet, the mortgage like ice
we balance upon above the bottomless water.
It mustn’t crack; we can’t afford to fall.
I love you like my hands, which haul
the money in. Into our laps spill daughter
and son. We are drowning in wine and beer,
carrying each other across these rooms,
glasses filled above our brims. We doomed
ourselves to a big shared bed. Here,
plans overrun our mouths, all synonyms.
You used to be her; I used to be him.
About the Author
Craig Morgan Teicher is the author of four books, most recently The Trembling Answers (BOA), and the editor of Once and For All: The Best of Delmore Schwartz. His first book of essays, We Begin in Gladness, will be published by Graywolf in November.