Numbers can get you places. They are like airplanes and bicycles, buses and trains. They can tell you how much you weigh and what your temperature is. They can tell you about the cost of some things and the balance of others, like ratios of sugar to flour in a recipe for cake. They can explain the laws of motion or the passing of time, the aerodynamics of specific birds based on their wing structure, why the lift of a seagull is different from that of a hawk, or an owl, or a duck. They explain why she herself cannot fly, and can prove which girl can run fastest from palm tree to palm tree because a stopwatch doesn’t lie. Numbers prove what is there in front of your eyes, what you want to see and what you wish were not true.
Read More - Aisha and the Good for Nothing Cat
Containing over two hundred and thirty exceedingly short works of fiction, with very few exceeding a page in length and most no longer than a paragraph, Keith consistently manages to make each story distinctive and fully formed.
Read More - Let Us Now Speak of Extinction
Merging crime, espionage, and absurdist fiction, French author Pierre Mac Orlan (born Pierre Dumarchey in 1882)—a prolific writer of adventure novels, erotica, songs, essays, and memoirs—constructs a compelling novel of intrigue set in the murky shadows of Europe in the 1920s and 1930s.
Read More - Mademoiselle Bambù
Katharine Haake provides a palliative for the shortage of thoughtful apocalyptic literature with Assumptions We Might Make About the Postworld, a collection of eleven short stories, each of which explores the end of things—even if just symbolically—as a way to meditate on themes of loss and absence.
Read More - Assumptions We Might Make About the Postworld
Largely ominous and somber in tone, the concise, intelligent fiction contained in Sleeping Dragons will move, intrigue, and not fade quickly from memory.
Read More - Sleeping Dragons: Stories
At its most basic level, Sonata is a thought experiment. It asks: What if Kafka were brought back to life and saw the late-stage capitalism whose arrival he presaged?
Read More - Sonata in K
It’s easy to slip into In the Cemetery of the Orange Trees, but not easy to resurface. The meanings and emotive metaphors linger, a slow burn that brings you face to face with the injustices imposed on a people impossible to forget.
Read More - In the Cemetery of the Orange Trees
She wanted to be someone normal. Watch television until noon on the weekends. Practice soccer in the backyard so she could finally make the B team. Invite a friend over and make a slip and slide with the old tarp in the basement.
Read More - Joe and June
With The Lost Daughter Collective, Lindsey Drager positions herself next to innovative writers like Rikki Ducornet, Aimee Bender, and Donald Barthelme, who have used fables and folktales to achieve an ineffable effect.
Read More - The Lost Daughter Collective
Parker ably brings us close to the beauty and meaning in ordinary people and simple lives.
Read More - Christmas in July