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[hear the author read this piece by clicking this link.]
Then, as Thy self to leapers hast assignd
With hyssop, Lord, thy Hyssop purg me so
And that shall cleanse the Leapry of my mind
Make over me Thy mercys streams to flow
So shall my whitness scorn the whitest snow
To eare and heart send sounds and thoughts of gladness
That bruised bones may dance away their sadness
–Psalm 51, Miserere mei Deus
Mary Sidney, The Sidney Psalter
Great harridan of my heart who is to say
you knew anything at all Once I bargained
with a man the whole night long to call what thing hung
between us love as though by scraping the rough
from a coconut it could be a carrot I thought
I understood how much I hated myself It is not
easy to see the peony hang its scented head No
I willed the petals fall my palm almost
full of unassuming gloaming pink an occasional
ant across my stem of a wrist What
I could not see I knew I could not see What
woman believes she has the turrets of God
beneath her rattlebox of skin The flag I flew
for so long read I’ll erase myself if you want me to
Let them have the dancers. I’m in love with the woman in Le tub,
her russet sponge, russet hair. Russet jar delicate as a teapot, filled
I want to imagine, with oils of gardenia, flowers from the family
of Rubiaceae, not the bitter leaves of Labiatae. She is a careful
woman, russet yarn between her needles on the counter. You, too,
loved her. Would’ve been easy with each hatchmark to deliquesce
her body with water but you did not give a glistening—you gave
the tub, simple iron sphere, opening up & out, the sempiternal
turning head, her body dry, ginger-ashen, like someone crouching
to kiss a new land, saying Praise be, saying I believed, & the small
of her back knows how what is poured over her from the mouth
of the pitcher will rivulet. I see the hairbrush, the towel. Later,
soaking in bronze, she practices the Portuguese she knows,
grips the tub’s rim, O Degas. Asks over & again Como ser limpo?
My father’s the woman in the striped dress, holding my waist
tender as an oblong bread. My mother, too, her right hand
rinsing my foot in the bowl. My beloved’s the woman leaning into
the child, her lap a honey possum’s marsupium: their heads
so circular, asymmetrical, even the cholera washed away. Degas
& Cassatt both imitated the bathing women of Japanese ukiyo-e
prints at the École. It has nothing to do with me, but now this one
of Cassatt’s few nudes is me. Do you understand? I am Woman
Bathing, not safe as The Bath, my dress unbuttoned to the waist
my back etched carefully as the pitcher on the roiling carpet. Any
water in the tub’s an avatar. She the miraculous drafts(wo)man
said the medium made her do it: plate-drawing requires strict control
as the surface mercilessly retains every mark See what marks remain
the clean lines of my nebbish back the undoing of my stains
For each of the years I was perdido as a pebble in the basalt
of lithosphere it was not which Caravaggisti I liked best but
whose brutal themes I could bear not Gentileschi’s Judith
or Ribera’s Bartholomew but for early Velázquez so entranced
with his Seville water carrier ripped sleeve swarthy
forehead the goblet of water the shadowy hand the russet
poncho How could I have missed the russet
poncho Who could save me from loving the droplets of water
on the earthen jug from thinking Diego give me
this genre scene the plebeian like me every time
you give his ancient body beside the boy who stares
at the rend in the sleeve he will take the goblet
& drink what the carrier brought on his shoulder to them
like a constellation sloshing toward Bethlehem
It was Bathsheba on the roof in the tub but David who pleaded
Cleanse me with hyssop & I will be clean
Bathsheba whose name I remembered because
of the tub when I was not old enough to understand what
the King wanted of her BATHSHEBA we call to you
centuries of women who both knew & didn’t know
better Believe me your voice had you had one to speak
in holy text is mine is the Black-throated Green Warbler’s
whose song even without words sounds wanting
I know what you wanted I hope as much as the aspergillus twig
shaken for purification I hope he loved you
as someone has begun to love me When we’re apart he says
Put your hand close to your face he says Your fingers brushing
your forehead Your palm hovering your mouth It’s me
Mary Mary Countess of Pembroke sister of the Queen’s fallen
you proffered this translation this paraphrase lines that perhaps
as you had Laura speak through Petrarch you give this woman
something of her own (the male Black-throated Green Warbler
has been known to sing 466 songs in one hour to call a mate) for
it is not let the bones you have crushed rejoice but that bruised bones
may dance away their sadness It is after all to lepers God has been
assigned their purging part cedar wood part crimson yarn pair
of doves hyssop Rabbinic commentary offers You were proud
like the cedar the Holy One Blessed be He humbled you like this
hyssop that is crushed by everyone At the crucifixion I lifted
a sponge of vinegared wine on a branch of hyssop So who’s up
for being ground like mint or white sage What’s the chance
you take to give only & not only then we dance
June’s last rainstorm a jay
perches on the ledge beneath our roof
to wait the entire heady
shower out I too sit here & think
the roof could stand
for anything but the ledge
the ledge is definitely you Josué & now that I have come to this
I must finish it I am not the blue jay
at all
I am
the rain Given this
tell me
how could the bird in the cove
be anything but our love
*please note that due to spacial constraints of the Word Press format, the spacing on this last section doesn’t fully reflect the poem’s true format. To see the full poem in proper format, pick up an issue of Colorado Review Summer 2011
About the Author
Susanna Childress’s first book, Jagged with Love, won the Brittingham Prize in Poetry and the Devil’s Kitchen Reading Award; her second book, Entering the House of Awe, was published by New Issues Press. She lives in Holland, Michigan.