September podcast: Leslie Johnson’s “Other Lives”

If you have been meaning to read Leslie Johnson’s “Other Lives,” from the Spring 2011 issue, but have for several months now had your efforts foiled by a series of eyeglasses-related accidents, each one more tragic than the last, hang up on your emergency optometrist: the very first fiction episode of “Selections from Colorado Review” […]

June’s Podcast: 2 Poems from Katherine Factor

By Dan Moore Fans of poetry read by its authors and would-be mycophiliacs take heed: June’s “Selections from Colorado Review” has been released upon an unsuspecting internet, primarily because the internet has come to expect “Selections from Colorado Review” on the first Friday of every month. To make up for startling the internet like that, […]

It’s Always Nonfiction Season at Colorado Review

As noted in our guidelines, Colorado Review closes its submission period on April 30 and re-opens on August 1. Starting this spring, however, we’re reading nonfiction year-round. It’s not that we don’t love fiction and poetry—we do!—but we just don’t get enough nonfiction. Between August 2010 and today, 54.74% of the online submissions have been […]

Cooking with the Skloots: Veal Italienne “Sklootini”

By Colorado Review Associate Editor Sarah Lin A few months ago, while in the middle of production for the Spring 2011 issue of Colorado Review, I was delighted to find myself reading for the first time Floyd Skloot‘s nonfiction piece “The Famous Recipe.” The essay details Skloot’s exploration of an intriguing, never-before-seen recipe authored by […]