A Conversation with Brent Ameneyro

Brent Ameneyro talks family as mythology, food as memory, and language as reality with associate editor Josephine Gawtry. Brent Ameneyro is the author of the chapbook Puebla (Ghost City Press, 2023). His poetry has been published in Alaska Quarterly Review, the Iowa Review, Ninth Letter, The Journal, and elsewhere. He earned his MFA at San Diego State University, where he was […]

A Conversation with Carolyn Kuebler

Associate editor Linnea Harris spoke with Carolyn Kuebler about her process as a multi-genre writer, the influence of community involvement on her writing, and her essay “Self-Storage,” published in the Summer 2022 issue of Colorado Review.  Carolyn Kuebler is a Vermont-based writer of fiction and nonfiction.   Originally from Allentown, Pennsylvania, Kuebler earned a BA from Middlebury […]

A Conversation with Amanda Rea

Amanda Rea discusses Among Men, a short story featured in the Summer 2024 issue of Colorado Review, with associate fiction editor Jennifer Wortman.  Amanda Rea’s stories and essays have appeared in Harper’s Magazine, Best American Mystery Stories, One Story, American Short Fiction, Freeman’s, the Missouri Review, the Kenyon Review, The Sun, Electric Literature, Indiana Review, […]

In Conversation with Kazim Ali

Kazim Ali visited the Colorado Review production house in Fort Collins, Colorado, to talk fragmentation, spirituality, queerness, social justice, and land with Associate Editor River Grabowski over tea. Kazim Ali was born in the United Kingdom and has lived transnationally in the United States, Canada, India, France, and the Middle East. His books encompass multiple […]

A Conversation with Bruce Beasley

Bruce Beasley talks walking as writing, prayer as evoking, and artistic doppelgangers with associate editor Laurel Roth.  Bruce Beasley is the author of nine collections of poems, including most recently Prayershreds (Orison Books, 2023) and All Soul Parts Returned and Theophobia, both from BOA Editions.  He has won fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Artist Trust […]

In Conversation with Lesley Jenike

Lesley Jenike talks museums, musicality, and marionettes with associate editor Julia Marquez-Uppman. Lesley Jenike’s work has appeared in the Colorado Review, the Iowa Review, the Kenyon Review, Image, West Branch, the Rumpus, and many other journals. An essay of hers first published in the Bennington Review was listed as “Notable” in 2023’s Best American Essays anthology. Her first collection of essays City of Toys was the runner-up for […]