Goodreads changed my life. And then it got bought by Amazon.

Colorado Review associate editor Derek Askey shares his thoughts on, and some personal experience with, Goodreads, and its recent purchase by online bookseller Amazon.   Now that the dust has, at least marginally, settled over Amazon’s acquisition of the social-media platform Goodreads, it seems sensible to touch on how such a change might affect a small press […]

MFA Thesis Reading: Mickey Kenny, Derek Askey, and Joanna Doxey

MFA Thesis Reading: Mickey Kenny, Derek Askey, and Joanna Doxey by Brittany Goss, editorial assistant   On March 29, 2013, the Hatton Gallery at the CSU Visual Arts Center was packed with the friends, teachers, students, and proud family members of third-year MFA students Mickey Kenny, Derek Askey, and Joanna Doxey. Everyone came to hear […]

An Interview in 7 Parts with Susanna Childress

Colorado Review Editorial Assistant Kristin George Bagdanov interviews Susanna Childress about her seven-part poem that appeared in the Summer 2011 issue of Colorado Review and the March podcast. I first encountered Susanna Childress’s poems while working on a review of her second book, Entering the House of Awe (Western Michigan University Press, 2011), for Ruminate […]

January Podcast: Endi Bogue Hartigan reads “It Was a Church Then”

Better late than never, right? C’mon, am I right? You know I’m right. I always am. Always. So let’s just pretend this little delay never happened. Let’s all just pretend and nobody gets hurt. No kittens, no puppies, nobody. We can all just be cool about it. And while we’re all being so cool about […]

Bookmarks 13 Dec. 2012

Gathered by Mandi Casolo Your token gift-giving link for literary friends. If you’re like me, you haven’t started shopping yet, so here’s a head start with some “elegant and pithy” posters illustrating famous quotes by writers. Suspending reader disbelief for the moment is hard but suspending reader disbelief for an entire creative world is harder. […]

Bookmarks 6 Dec. 2012

Gathered by Mandi Casolo If you like Henry Miller and long-winded metaphors that liken writing to journeys, roads, paths, and the polarization of paradise and hell, you might enjoy The Wisdom of the Heart. The elusive agent: ever so mysterious and unreachable. Six months passes after you’ve submitted a proposal and still no word. You […]

Interview with Matthew Shaer, Winner of the 2012 Nelligan Prize

Colorado Review Associate Editor Derek Askey interviews Matthew Shaer about his story “Ghosts,” which appeared in the Fall 2012 issue of Colorado Review as the winner of the 2012 Nelligan Prize for Short Fiction, selected by Jane Hamilton. Read the full text of the story here, or listen to Shaer read the story on our […]