Motherhood and Mental Health in Holly Goddard Jones’s “Antipodes”

By Colorado Review editorial assistant Ross Reagan During May, we celebrate two very important events: Mental Health Awareness Month and Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day this year, though, marks an occasion that resembles an antipode. Many families, and mothers of families, are not just celebrating the joy of life but simply the fact that they are […]

“This Is What We Have to Do”: Robin Cartwright’s Exploration of Privilege and Pollution

By Colorado Review associate editor Mike Moening The scope of essays that we receive at the Colorado Review is broad—that’s part of what makes the work as rewarding as it is. Even more rewarding is finding a piece that is firing on all cylinders—one that is sure to make a splash—and then seeing it transform […]

The Female Lyric: Creating Space for Female Experience

By Colorado Review Editorial Assistant Margaret Browne In my own work, I often write through and out of distinctly feminist concerns—concerns about female agency and the body, female sexual pleasure and empowerment, the relationship between father and daughter, daughter and mother, what it’s like to be a woman with a mental illness, what it’s like […]