A Conversation with K. S. Dyal

K. S. Dyal talks Buffalo, NY, multiple points of view, and writing about love with editorial assistant Carolyn Silverstein. K. S. Dyal is the author of the novella It Felt Like Everything (Ad Hoc Fiction 2022) and work in or coming from Colorado Review, Carve Magazine, Quarterly West, CutBank, HAD, and elsewhere. She writes from Washington, D.C. Find her online @KSDyal and ksdyal.wordpress.com. […]

A Conversation with Surya Milner

Surya Milner talks the importance of questioning oneself, weaving research with experience, and writing about place with associate editor Anna Emerson.  Surya Milner is an MFA candidate in creative nonfiction at Northwestern University’s Litowitz Program. Her work has been published in Majuscule, the Willowherb Review, Catapult, The Audacity, and High Country News. Anna Emerson: So […]

A Conversation with Analia Villagra

Analía Villagra talks eccentric female protagonists, crowded apartment buildings, and the power of punctuation in fiction with editorial assistant Maia Coen.  Analía Villagra’s work appears in Colorado Review, Ecotone, Ploughshares, The Iowa Review, and elsewhere. She is a National Endowment of the Arts fellowship recipient. Her writing has also been supported by the Sewanee Writers’ […]

A Conversation with John Gallaher

John Gallaher talks decidedly non-musical poetry, being both Bambi and Superman, and asking oneself “Why now?” with assistant managing editor Chase Cate. John Gallaher is the author of six collections of poetry, including the forthcoming My Life in Brutalist Architecture (Four Way Books 2024); two coauthored poetry collections, one with G.C. Waldrep, Your Father on the Train […]

Thinking Through Poetry with Timothy Donnelly

Timothy Donnelly discusses the poetics of impossibility, the role of the contemporary poet, and the connective power of poetry across time and space with editorial assistant Natalia Sperry. Timothy Donnelly’s most recent book, Chariot, was published in 2023 by Wave Books. His previous books include The Problem of the Many, winner of the inaugural Big […]

A Conversation with Jo-Anne Berelowitz

Jo-Anne Berelowitz discusses family, speculation, memory as a moral imperative, and art history with associate editor Amy Gordon.   Jo-Anne Berelowitz, art historian, has published creative nonfiction in Accent, The Hong Kong Review, Assay, and the Sycamore Review. In 2018 she was awarded the Wabash Prize in creative nonfiction. She is currently working on a long-form […]

A Conversation with Stephanie Harrison

Stephanie Harrison discusses Vincent Van Gogh, (un)tidy endings, and writing complex characters in creative nonfiction with editorial assistant Sarah Mullens.  Stephanie Harrison’s fiction and nonfiction has appeared in dozens of journals, and she is the editor of the anthology Adaptations: From Short Story to Big Screen (Three Rivers Press, 2005). She has received grants from the […]

A Conversation with Mary Peelen

Mary Peelen talks the poetry of mathematics, divinity in physics, issues of scale, place, and influence with editorial assistant Kaes Vanderspek. Mary Peelen is the author of Quantum Heresies, winner of the Kithara Book Prize. Her poetry, fiction, and nonfiction have appeared in the Massachusetts Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Alaska Quarterly Review, Poetry Daily, […]

In Conversation with Katie Naughton

Katie Naughton discusses climate & financial anxiety, archival projects, and poetic lineage with editorial assistant Josephine Gawtry. Katie Naughton is the author of the poetry collection The Real Ethereal (Delete Press, forthcoming 2024), and the chapbooks Study (Above/Ground Press, 2021) and A Second Singing (forthcoming from Dancing Girl Press, 2023). Her poetry has been published in Fence, Bennington Review, Colorado […]