The Bravery of Writing

By Morgan Riedl, Colorado Review Editorial Assistant Recently, I attended a storytelling event with a friend. After the performance, we discussed what it’s like to write and share stories, and agreed to send each other a story we’d written. Shortly after I got home, my phone buzzed with a text: “I’m so nervous for you […]

Learning from Rejection: Confessions of a Lit Journal Intern

By Yash Seyedbagheri, Colorado Review Associate Editor When you envision stories being rejected at a literary journal, you might imagine a group of men and women in trench coats and fedoras, sitting around rejecting people with a certain glee, tossing manuscripts into the garbage can as they laugh jovially. And the fact is that isn’t true, […]

Erasing the Self, Rescuing the Lyric: A Conversation about Self-Erasure

Recent years have seen an increasing interest in erasure poetry, in which a poet creates a new text by selectively erasing from another author’s pre-existing text. Poets Kristina Marie Darling and Sam Taylor are both practitioners of “self-erasure,” in which they first write their own text and then erase part of it. Taylor and Darling both developed […]